Monday, November 17, 2008

Minerals to miracle?

Well, here I am still on my minerals...and still hoping! I have gone through what has seemed like some of the hardest days of my physical life. I know Heavenly Father has been helping me through this- along with my mom. My family has been so awesome! Parker of course has been a HUGE blessing too!!! He has taken such good care of me. The Lord's hands have been both visible and invisible in these hard times. Jerrett and Ilonka came up to see us a weekend ago, and it was so great to see them! Ilo made us a true Dominican dinner to which I have to give a scumptious five stars. It was delicious. Parker gave raved reviews also! Thanks Ilo and Jerrett!

Here's a little more info on the minerals. I am on the final stage of my mineral experience, and it has so far been the most kind to my body. I am now getting rid of all the viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, etc that have been in my system. They are being released and washed out. These minerals are a bit stinky, like the smell of chlorine bleach. Yuck! I have to mix them with some juice. This will go on for about 11 more days, taking higher doses as the days pass. Then after all that my Crohn's will hopefully be gone forever! Yipeee!!!! Then I will jump and sing and perhaps do a little jig if the mood is right...who am I kidding you all know I'll be doing jigs deep into the night! Perhaps you'll join me? :D

Well, better run. I'll write again soon.
My love to you all!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hoping for the best!

Well, as many of you know I have been suffering from Crohn's Disease for about two years now, and it has been an interesting journey. I have been trying a lot of alternative options to control my flare-ups, but have unsuccessfully been able to keep things in remission for very long. I am taking some minerals and hope they will get me feeling better and get me symptom free at last! I'll keep you posted on my progression.

On the other hand, Parker and I are doing great! Parker is working on his CFI, which is Certification to be a flight instructor. He is working hard and studying a ton! I am proud of him and his determination to succeed.

Recently my brother Jordan got hitched! WHA-HOO! He married Jessica Nelson in the Salt Lake Temple last Thursday (10/9/08). Yeah, they planned that. It was an amazing day, and I am so happy to have another sister to add to my other two awesome sisters-in-law! I heard they just got back from their honeymoon to Kauai! I guess I'll have to call and get the details. :)

Well, I better run. The store is calling and I am one starvin' Marvin! I guess I better eat something before I go...or our pocketbook will be empty faster then you can say Prickly pickles in purple pajamas three times!
See ya! :)